Кавказ.Реалии kavkazr@budmo.info

Open on budmo.info

Budzentr @Sergey1970@mastodon.social

Victor @barmaley55@mastodon.social

Kote Isaev @koteisaev@mastodon.online

Web Developer. Proud citizen of Republic of Georgia.
Proud political migrant from RF.

Sirius @Sereszha@mastodon.social

An introvert prefers to remain quiet and be attentive to what others are saying to intervene later.

subnivalis@qoto.org @subnivalis@qoto.org

aznashell@ilyamikcoder.com @aznas@snowdin.town

yes, instancehopping

some gayest trash lmao

mixed jewish from Ural, plural, antifa, AuADHD

foxxo enjoyer :ablobfoxbongo:

uranic nebularomantic demisexual libramasculine xenagender

queer 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ and neurodivergent by all thougths

all the posts about how I want to sleep /jk

fedi birthday is: 15th november, 2021

and many more interesting things...

i write on russian and english / пишу на русском и английском

***❗️ I'm impulsive and with a lot of mental illnesses traumas and neurodiversity. you've been warned...***


Den_Fox @Den_Fox@masto.ai

kravietz 🦇 @kravietz@agora.echelon.pl

Before “overthrowing capitalism sometime”, think of ways for us here not to be slaughtered because “any war is bad” (Artem Chapeye)

Kalle Kniivilä @kallekn@mastodonsweden.se

Journalist på Sydsvenskan i Lund.
Senaste boken: Landet som vaknade – berättelser från Ukraina.
Joskus suomeksikin.

RaivisK @raivisk@masto.ai

a volte un mondo in bianco e nero è bello e meglio compreso