Articles tagged "PPE"

Boris Johnson Misled Parliament

Boris misled Parliament and placed inaccurate information before the Court

Tories Claim there were no National Shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Julia Patterson of the campaign group EveryDoctor flatly contradicted Hancock’s claim

Hancock’s Statement that the NHS did not Face a National Shortage of PPE - Untrue

NHS staff were photographed with poorly fitting PPE, with some having to make gowns themselves from bin bags

Court has granted a cost-capping order in our judicial review over the award of huge PPE contracts, without advertisement or competition

Chumocracy, Boris Johnson, democracy, cover-up, masks, courts, UK Government, Covid-19, commissioning, medical equipment

Judicial Review of Government's Decision to Award Huge PPE Contracts to Questionable Counterparties

Back in court 22 February, 2021

Secretary of State acted unlawfully by failing to comply with the Transparency Policy