Articles tagged "capitalism"

Old photos, better times, hello depression

A bad day layed out in a ramble

Fuck Everything and This Fucking Bread Too

Bread, the humble and versatile food, has been a staple in human diets for thousands of years.

Things are Depressing

But I'm trying, as well as I can

The End of The Month is so Dire in Capitalism

I personally blame Macron

Ukraine Daily Summary - Friday, January 6

Covered by dead bodies of his relatives, 4-year-old boy survives Russian attack -- Putin is trying to 'find some oxygen’ with truce proposal -- Putin's Christmas ceasefire announcement likely campaign to damage Ukraine's reputation -- US believes Putin ally Prigozhin wants control of salt, gypsum mines in Bakhmut -- and more

Corporate Terrorism: Fire & Rehire Tactics Rife at Firms that are in Profit & Claiming Covid Corporate Benfits

Some corporations received corporate benefits while using 'Fire & Rehire' tactics. Companies condemned by unions also shows that some raised executive pay.