Originally posted to LiveJournal

Has anybody else ever received one of these Dr. ABUBAKAR HAMIDU E-MAIL: ahamidu@africamail.com

Attn: sir


My name is Dr. ABUBAKAR HAMIDU and I work with the Nigerian Customs Service. I am the Area Controller of Customs Service in Muritala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos - Nigeria. I know that you may be surprised to receive this message from an unknown person but I want you to understand that I got your contact through my position as a member of an International Trade Organisation and also through my contact at your countries Trade mission based in Nigeria . Hence I made up my mind to contact you for this confidential business deal which will be of mutual benefit to both of us and also requires a lot of trust and confidence between us.

Precisely on the 22/1/2002, my men suspected the movement around the International Airport, Lagos of 5 men among them are one foreigner. I was contacted and I ordered my men to swoop on them, 3 out of them were arrested and 2 escaped. During this process their European Bound Luggages were impounded and taken to the office for careful examination while 3 persons caught were detained as suspect. This arrest was not made public because we wanted to make proper investigation to determine actually what was in those luggage and at first we suspected that it may be connected with cocaine deals but our findings proved us wrong.

We discovered that those luggages contained foreign currencies in USA Dollar dominations of $100 bills and they were seven luggages suspectedly bound to European countries. At first, we found it very hard to detect what the contents of those luggages were as those $100 notes were coated to avoid detection by any mechanical instruments or Ex-Ray Machines and we had to take it to the Nigerian Security Printing Co-operation for analysis and it was there that they confirmed that they are genuine Dollars bills coated by a certain chemical to avoid any detection and it is at this point that we announced the arrest of the 3 persons and their luggages to the public but we carefully mentioned only 4 luggages instead of 7 because nobody was aware of it. The 3 persons that were arrested were charged to court but unfortunately they all died on the month of October, 2000 through food poison suspected to have given to them by the actual owners of the money whom we believe are governmen! t officials whom doesn’t want to be named in other not to face the New Anti-corruption law established by the new regime. The case was subsequently closed and strucked out after the demise of the suspects. Before then, we have successfully removed the remaining 3 luggages said to be containing $5,000,000 (Five Million Dollars) each ie $15,000,000 (Fifteen Million Dollars all) as confessed by the suspects and I have deposited it with my contact person in the Security Company for safe keeping since no one else knows about it and through my friend several contacts have been made overseas to get the right chemical company which produces the kind of chemical used in coating these money.

Based on the facts mentioned above, I hereby contact you to be an investor in this deal since I am a Civil Servant, I cannot be able to handle it very well and also the miscellaneous expenses involved cannot be taken care of by myself alone,therefore, i want you to note that we will spend money to make this deal a reality. Also the Security Company did not actually know the source of the funds as I told them that it belongs to my friend who is a foreigner and that he wants to take the money away without the Government knowing about it and he asked me to facilitate the movement.

We have concluded arrangements with an offshore Security Company to move this money through a Diplomatic means to a country where we shall meet with the chemical company to deface this money for our own use. After the defacing of the money, the security company will then transfer the money to your account through their network and after that I go back with you for the sharing. I have been assured of 100% safety in this deal and risk free movement of this money.

When the money finally gets to your account, you will take 35% of the total sum, 65% will be for us (The Nigerian Partners)while every other expenses incurred at both ends during the course of this transaction will be re-emborsed to either parties during the time of sharing. Note that we are expected to spend some money have this deal finished successfully.

You are required to notify me of your willingness to do this business with us through E-mail (ahamidu@africamail.com) and at the same time send across your personal Phone, Fax and Mobile numbers to me immediately. This is necessary for easier and confidential communications during the transaction. And you are adviced to make ready, the Bank Account which we shall use in this transaction.

Once you notify me of your willingness to do the business with us, the money will be moved out of Nigeria to the Country where we shall meet with you, without any delay. We shall conclude the business within 8 to 10 days from the day you notify me of your willingness to do the business with us.

Note: When the business is over, you will introduce us into a profitable kind of business in your Country in which we shall invest our own part of the money.

While I wait for your quick and positive response to this proposal, I must remind to you that this Business requires Absolute Confidentiality and Urgent Attention.


and wanted to reply: Dear Dr. Hamidu,

As per your request I am sending you my telephone number, it is 0207-999, please ask for Dan.

Also I do not have a bank account, so I request you make a bankers draft for the full amount to my company “Cash”.

Thank you for your time. -Lady Stephanie Johnson.

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