
Originally posted to LiveJournal

I’m out in a park in Oxford at the moment using up precious cash because my bloody GPRS has failed (again) even though I had set it up and it was perfectly fine yesterday afternoon (a whole other rant for another time).

Anyways, out at a ballooning event here with djg_uk (he’s a balloon pilot for those who don’t know) and I’m just sitting here online checking emails and such while drinking my stolen tea which I susposedly used while still a patron of the Travel Inn.

So anyways, updates as usual:

  • Dead fish not so dead anymore
  • Shrunk a good £50 worth of clothing on Thursday in the dryer
  • My GPRS works... but only on weekdays during office hours.
  • Security is thick like a steel beam
  • and finally

  • 9600bps is a pants!
  • That is all, comment now.
