اسرى الحرية - Prisoners of freedom
Is one alias that refers to the prisoners of Palestinian struggle - AKA #Palestinian prisoners - all those being held captive by the #Zionist regime in #Palestine for resisting this racist, colonialist, oppressive regime.
who are the prisoners of freedom ?
their total number is currently 4650, 40 of them are women.
200 are child prisoners - Israel is the only country in the world that systematically prosecutes children in military courts – between 500 and 700 each year. more details here.
The prisoners are being kept in jails, detention centers (held by military) and interrogation facilities (managed by security service - #Shabak). they are kept under sub-human conditions and are subject to systematic violence, abuses and tortures.
520 of the prisoners are administrative detainees, which means they are imprisoned by military officer command, without trial and without knowing for how-long. while an administrative detain is limited to 6 months, it can always be renewed for 6 months more.
The legal allegations (if any) against prisoners of freedom can vary from “crimes” of speech, post, tweet or poem, through political and popular activism, to armed resistance.
More details and statistics of #Palestinian prisoners can be found at Addameer site.
The prisoners of freedom and their struggle for individual and collective freedom is consensus among all the #Palestinian people and all of it’s political parties. the prisoners are currently under brutal attack of #Zionist authorities, partly as revenge on the heroic Gilboa prison break. Political activists from all parts of #Palestine and outside #Palestine are ready to stand together with the prisoners in their struggle for dignity and freedom.
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